of Fort Lauderdale
We Are Focused on
Early Learning
We are a private school in Fort Lauderdale that fosters lifelong creativity & love of learning by focusing on early years, PK2 - Grade 5.
Better Relationships
By Design
Christ Church School is an independent school in Fort Lauderdale. We have a better relationship and connection with students and families because of small class sizes. We can also be agile so that we are not fixed into one way of doing something for ALL students.
Our learning activities are
Based on Experience
Students think, invent, make mistakes, try again, and collaborate to solve problems in daily planned experiential activities. Our teachers facilitate this learning with a guiding hand that builds confidence and ignites creativity.
Experience the Benefits of the
Elementary Only Model
The PK2 through fifth grade student focus at CCS delivers a strong early year model that is unique among private Christian schools in the area.

Redefine Success
The little girl loves the iLab. The robots are soooo cool. She thinks she might want to build her own robots someday. She hears classmates across the room disagreeing over who will go first with the 3D printer and her teacher gathers everyone together to ask their ideas for resolving this. More than new technologies, the girl is learning about compromise, empathy, and collaboration. She is learning that real success isn’t about getting ahead of someone else - it’s about getting along with them. It is a profound lesson that will shape her relationships far beyond Christ Church School.

Believe in Yourself
The boy is shy. His teachers at Christ Church School recognize this and ask if he can look them in the eye each morning and greet them. He is hesitant, but he does it. This daily act of friendliness gradually awakens something inside of him. He raises his hand more. He speaks in front of class. He presents to the entire school in Chapel. The boy’s teachers didn’t give him a voice - he always had one. Instead, they nurtured and grew his confidence until he believed enough in himself to finally use it. It is an enduring gift that will change his life forever.
Learn About Your Child
She meets with her son’s teacher before school. A first-time parent, she is concerned her little boy isn’t reading. Is something wrong? His teacher speaks in detail about the boy and both women laugh at his sweet quirks. The mother senses the teacher’s love for her son. It moves her. His teacher describes the relationship between reading and brain development. She explains neuroplasticity. The mother not only feels comforted, she feels informed. While she expected Christ Church School to teach her son, she never expected them to teach her, too. Everyone is learning.

New Thinkers
We are an ever-curious 1st Grader building an inventive solution to his class project. We are a passionate teacher adapting her classroom style to advances in neuroscience. We are a selfless alumnus mentoring his peers at Florida’s best middle school. We are a creative alumna expressing her art on the big screen. We are an entrepreneurial parent growing a business and raising a family. We are Christ Church School and we are all New Thinkers. Every day, in ways both modest and monumental, our new thinking transforms the world.

Build the Best Foundation
The boy’s heart aches. The 5th Grader is graduating. He will miss his PE teacher and the man’s never-ending exuberance; he will miss Chapel with his friends; he will miss the countless field trips (his fave is Williamsburg) and his sleepless excitement the night before; he will NOT miss dissecting squids; he will miss the Admissions lady greeting him by name EVERY day for 6 years (!); he will miss Field Day and (yes) Cheetah; mostly, he will miss his teachers - every one of them - who made an awkward boy feel deeply loved and incredibly important, even on his worst days. He will miss Christ Church School. It was the best beginning.

Shine in Middle School
This Middle Schooler sits in front rows. She raises her hand. She helps struggling classmates. She prays. She never quits. She volunteers. She speaks up for kids who can’t. She works hard. She thinks for herself. She forgives. She wonders how you feel. She presents with poise. She likes herself. She competes. She embraces differences. She asks big questions. She looks for good in others. She apologizes. She learns from mistakes. Thanks to expert teachers who balanced Inquiry-based Learning with Christian values, this graduate of Christ Church School is the best version of herself. She shines.
Stay True
The boy knows he is not the best athlete. His friend is on an after-school team and she can kick a ball the length of the school’s gym. One of his other friends draws on her computer. She wants to design clothes. The boy can’t do either of those things but he can write his own songs. Kids tell him they sound pretty good. His friends and classmates are all kinds of different, and that’s okay. Here, you can fit in by standing out. In a society that too often follows the herd, Christ Church students stay true to themselves. They always will.

Make Good Mistakes
The girl huddles with her group in front of the green screen. It won’t work. Ugh. Everyone is frustrated. What if…she has an idea. It’s not quite how they were taught to use the app, but... It works! She whoops and high-fives kids in her group. Her teacher asks how they did it. Like critical thinking or creative problem solving, the girl realizes that failure is important. Without it, she would not have innovated. There are good mistakes. When she is not afraid to take a risk - even if it means failing - anything is possible. Her mind is opening.

Harness Words
Standing in front of families gathered to celebrate the end of the team’s season, the girl from Christ Church School begins to speak. Her soft voice grows stronger with each sentence. She is funny and sincere, but it’s not her words people notice - it’s her composure. Like all her classmates, she has presented to ever-larger groups since pre-kindergarten. She is not intimidated. The girl will surely have big ideas one day. Whether it’s to an audience of one or one thousand, she will know how to harness words to describe them. Communication is her superpower.